Gas Stations

The Ranch had 3 permanent Gas Stations at one point in time, also called Service Stations. All of them were built across from each other, so to speak, at the beginning of Blondie Street, near the original entrance of the Ranch. They were originally designated as the Standard American, Texaco and Ashland Service Stations.

The American Standard or Amoco station, was the first to be built in 1958 and was remodeled in 1966, followed by the Texaco Station 2 years later and the Ashland Station in late 1968. Originally used for filming their respective Service Station Commercials, these structures were built with the financial aid of the individual oil companies, and also followed closely the design and architecture of its real stations seen throughout the Nation at the time.

Left: The original American Standard Service Station, as it appeared in an early tv commercial, circa 1962, before the major remodel.

Above a screen capture from Bewitched in 1964 showing the side of the American Standard Station with the Deeds Mansion to the right.
To the left, a capture from the show Gidget in 1966 showing the Tire rack that sat outside to the right.
Because of Self Serve becoming more popular and Full Service was going out slowly, the Oil Companies also accommodated for this in the new designs of their Service Stations, and so the original structure on the Ranch was modified to represent this as well.
AMERICAN STANDARD (Constructed circa 1958)
In 1966, the American Standard Service Station underwent a transformation and was expanded. To stay true to the actual new design that was used throughout the US, so was the one on the Ranch. A 3rd Bay was added to the left, as well as a gabled roof with overhang and planter boxes on either side of the structure. It was true to life, as it had a full concrete floor, constructed with real brick and fully functioning utilities inside. It was a real Practical Set, complete with working Bay Doors and space for full size vehicles, and working hydraulic lifts to jack up the cars.